As usual, it's taken me longer to get around to writing this entry than I have any good excuse for. I've now been back in Canada for two weeks. The time has gone surprisingly fast, although time seems to be behaving oddly lately. In many ways, I feel as though I never left home, that my ten months in Japan were just an extended dream sequence like that awful season of Dallas. Everything here feels the same; the sense of reverse culture-shock I was anticipating has never come. I'm not entirely sure what this past year has taught me, what lessons I should be reflecting on. Instead I'm impatient, waiting for new adventures to take me out of my present boredom. Of course I've been delighted to reconnect with so many people I love but I remain struck by the sense that, although Ontario is my home, it's not where I'm supposed to be. So we'll see where the future takes me. As for this blog, it's future is certain: Jen has done Japan. Sayonara guys, thanks for keeping up with me while I've been away. I'll let you know what I'm up to next once I figure that out for myself.